Producer Tips

Producer Tips #4 - Waveform Analysis
As well as using your ears, you can also use your eyes to find issues and solutions to improve your mix. Tools like NCH WavePad, Audacity and FL's Edison make...
Producer Tips #4 - Waveform Analysis
As well as using your ears, you can also use your eyes to find issues and solutions to improve your mix. Tools like NCH WavePad, Audacity and FL's Edison make...

Producer Tips #3 - Bridges
'Bridges', and why you should use them The Bridge is the part of the song that usually happens just before the final Chorus / Climax of the track and if...
Producer Tips #3 - Bridges
'Bridges', and why you should use them The Bridge is the part of the song that usually happens just before the final Chorus / Climax of the track and if...

Producer Tips #2 - Intros / Mixing Bars
Today I want to talk a little about intro / mixing bars. Something that a think is lacking a bit today but was done really well in the past, especially...
Producer Tips #2 - Intros / Mixing Bars
Today I want to talk a little about intro / mixing bars. Something that a think is lacking a bit today but was done really well in the past, especially...

Producer Tips #1 - Breakdown, Build-Up, Climax
Here's a few tips I wanted to share about your breakdown, build up and 'kickoff' / main melody sections. How you arrange your breakdown and build up to the main...
Producer Tips #1 - Breakdown, Build-Up, Climax
Here's a few tips I wanted to share about your breakdown, build up and 'kickoff' / main melody sections. How you arrange your breakdown and build up to the main...